Društvo arhitekata Beograda - Webinar: Are architects ready for circular transition? Continuous Professional Development tools for Europe

Društvo arhitekata Beograda

Beograd, Kneza Miloša 7a/III, tel 011/3230 059, tel-fax 011/3239 754 e-mail: office@dab.rs

Webinar: Are architects ready for circular transition? Continuous Professional Development tools for Europe

Tue, Nov 28, 2023 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM CET

In April 2023, the Architects’ Council of Europe (ACE) together with the European Association for Architectural Education (EAAE), released a statement highlighting the importance of lifelong learning programs such as Continuous Professional Development (CPD) to upskill professionals in new areas such as sustainability and circularity.  CPD programmes provide lifelong education to Architects in several areas of the profession. ACE Strongly encourage members to implement mandatory CPD requirements in their national Countries.

This webinar is divided into two parts. The first part will present the work on CPD training across Europe done at the Architects Council of Europe and will showcase CPD programmes and offers in two European countries. The second part will present of the CPD framework created by  BUSGoCircular project, the Train the Trainers actions, national offers of training and materials on circularity developed by the EU funded BUS-GoCircular project in which ACE is a partner.

Brief description: Joni Tyler, Head of CPD at the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) who leads ACE Continuous Professional Development will present the ACE framework for CPD in Europe. She will be joined by Anneleen de Jong, Project Coordinator at the Dutch Architects Registration Bureau, and Sandra Campbell, Education Director at the Registration Body for Architects in Ireland (RIAI), who will provide examples from the best CPD practices in their countries. The webinar will conclude with a presentation of BUSGoCircular European Framework for Circular Skills and the tools and materials developed by the project.

Join us! Learn about CPD programmes in Europe and get access to the latest material on circular skills for architects developed by BUSGoCircularproject. 

You can find more information and the registration link  here.

Društvo arhitekata Beograda
Beograd , Kneza Miloša 7a/III
Tel 011/3230 059,
tel-fax 011/3239 754
E-mail: office@dab.rs
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